The other case of ostensibly protected behavior occurs for the near-Earth orbits of the Kozai class, according to the classification of [Milani et al. 1989]. The name comes from a namesake asteroid, (3040) Kozai, but also from the author of the seminal work on this subject [Kozai 1962].
The evidence from numerical integrations is that of a dynamical behavior as in the example of Figures 18-19. There are many asteroids with perihelion distance q which can, as a result of the secular perturbations to the eccentricity, decrease below , and nevertheless there are no node crossings, that is, the nodal distance is always positive. This happens only for orbits with significant inclination, because in this case the evolution of e and are strongly coupled. In the example of the Figures 18-19, that is the Mars-crossing asteroid (1866) Sisyphus, q can be as low as , and at the same time the nodes are above , because the argument of perihelion has a value either around or around when the eccentricity is at a maximum.
To understand this mechanism of avoidance of node crossings we need to model the secular perturbations on ; for this we resort again to the averaging principle, but in this case the average is performed on both the fast angles , assuming that there is no mean motion resonance, that is the torus of the mean anomalies is in this case covered uniformly (more exactly, in an ergodic way, see [Arnold 1976]). The averaged Hamiltonian is
where is the unperturbed 2-body Hamiltonian, is the direct perturbing function (with D the distance between the asteroid and the planet, m the mass of the perturbing planet) and is the indirect part of the perturbing function. By a classical result, the average over the anomalies of the indirect perturbing function is zero, thus
There are two main methods to compute the averaged perturbing function . It is possible to expand the perturbing potential in series, with the eccentricities and inclinations as small parameters. That is, R is expanded as a Taylor series in e,I,e', I', and for each order as a Fourier series in the angles . The classical D'Alembert rules, which result from the invariance of the problem with respect to orthogonal transformations, strongly constrain the terms which can appear with non zero coefficient in such a series, and it turns out that only the even order terms are allowed; see e.g. [Milani 1994]. Thus the lowest order terms containing the eccentricities and the inclinations are quadratic, and if the theory is truncated to degree two the secular perturbations can be described, in suitable variables, as the solutions of a system of linear differential equations.
The method outlined above is the classical one, introduced by Laplace and others more than 200 years ago, and it gives a reasonable first approximation of the secular perturbations of the orbits of moderately perturbed planets with low eccentricities and inclinations, such as the major planets Venus to Neptune. This approximation fails when eccentricity and inclination are large; in this case the largest term in the perturbing function neglected by the Laplace linear theory is the one with .
An integrable first approximation, different from a linear system, was introduced by [Kozai 1962]. Let us assume that the perturbing planet is on a circular orbit, and on the reference plane: e'=I'=0. The argument applies also to the case of many perturbing planets, provided the orbits are all circular and all on the same plane. Then the problem averaged over can be described in the way already introduced by Gauss, as the gravitational problem defined by a mass distributed in rings along the planetary orbits; the perturbing potential is axisymmetric with respect to the axis through the Sun and orthogonal to the plane of the planets, and the component of the angular momentum of the asteroid orbit along the same axis is preserved.
In terms of and of the keplerian orbital elements , the averaged Hamiltonian is independent of and of , and the two conjugate variables are integrals: they are proportional to and to
respectively. In conclusion
is a one degree of freedom Hamiltonian, with two parameters L and Z. This averaged problem is integrable; once a and are fixed, the secular evolution can be described as a curve in the plane; I is a function of e, which can be deduced from Z=const, and does not matter. This curve can be drawn as level curve of the function .
For low inclination the curves in the plane are not very different from e=const lines; but for large I, the coupling terms such as the one with become dominant, and the eccentricity undergoes large relative changes as circulates. Below a critical value of Z/L, the topology of the level curves of changes and a separatrix appears, bounding a region where librates, typically around either or . This Kozai resonance is especially effective in keeping the perihelion of the asteroid out of the plane of the perturbing planets. Figure 20 shows the phase space of the averaged problem, for values of the initial conditions consistent with those of the asteroid (3040) Kozai. A large libration region is ``safe'' from node crossings; there are also many solution curves where a strong coupling achieves the same result, because can be near 0, but only for e near its minimum value.
The same mechanism protects the high inclination asteroids at the outer edge of the main belt from close approaches to Jupiter, as in Figure 21, because implies that not only the perihelion, but also the aphelion is out of the plane of the planetary orbits. When on the contrary the planet with which collision could occur has a semimajor axis a' very close to a, then the node crossings are avoided when the nodal points are at perihelion and at aphelion, that is for and , as in Figure 22 and in [Michel and Thomas 1996]. For very high inclination the same averaged dynamics can result in increases of the eccentricity up to values very close to 1, and then the fate of the orbit can be to encounter the surface of the Sun; however this requires a very high initial inclination, and occurs almost only to comets [Bailey et al. 1992].
The behavior of the Kozai class asteroids implies that the Öpik-Kessler methods to compute probability of collision might fail, in that they give a finite probability to collisions which can not occur at all. A more flexible method to compute frequency of close approaches and probability of collision, which could take into account the actual occurrence of node crossings, was developed over many years, beginning with the basic formulas devised by [Öpik 1951], later extended and developed by [Wetherill 1967], [Greenberg 1982], and many others. The basic geometric idea is as follows. When two osculating orbits have a small nodal distance, it is possible to approximate a short span of both ellipses with their tangent lines at the respective nodal points, parametrized in such a way that the velocity at the nodal point is the same on the ellipses and on the straight lines. Then the distance, as a function of the parameters on these straight lines, is an easily computed quadratic form. From this approximate distance function it is possible to compute analytically the time span spent by the two orbits in the region where the distance is less than a given impact parameter.
The large scale tests performed in [Milani et al. 1990] show that the Öpik-Wetherill method is very effective in predicting the number of close approaches which is possible at each actual node crossing, thus it solves the problem of computing the probability of collision for the Kozai class, provided the secular evolution of the orbital elements is available, e.g. from numerical integrations. It is also a very effective method to detect Toro class orbits, which by definition violate the formula, by avoiding close approaches at actual node crossings. This method can not be used for low inclination and almost tangent encounters, the same difficulties found with the Kessler method.
The Figures 20, 21 and especially 22 show that the level curves of the averaged Hamiltonian are not smooth on the node crossing lines. Indeed the integral over the torus of the variables is an improper one, and it is convergent because the singularity of collision is a pole of order one. On the contrary, if the averaging is applied to the right hand side of the equation of motion, the singularity of collision is a pole of order two, and the improper integral over the torus is not convergent. Thus the very meaning of the secular perturbation equations is uncertain.
Recently it has been shown [Gronchi and Milani 1998] that the averaged Hamiltonian , although not smooth, has enough regularity -in a neighbourhood of the node crossing line- to allow a generalized definition of secular perturbation equations. This has been obtained by using the Öpik-Wetherill approximation of a short stretch of the orbits near the mutual node with straight lines. The approximate distance function d between the points on the straight lines is a quadratic form, and then the integral of 1/d over the torus can be computed either analytically or semi-analytically; the singularity of 1/d at exact node crossing is used to remove the singularity from the improper integral (Kantorovic method to compute improper integrals).
In this way it is possible to compute secular orbits even in the presence of node crossings, and thus to compute the secular frequency of circulation/libration of and of circulation of . As a matter of principle, this allows one to use the Kozai theory as a first integrable step in a perturbation theory, to study secular resonances, and to compute proper elements even for planet-crossing orbits; the theory developed in [Gronchi and Milani 1998] contains explicit algorithms for this, but most of the work remains to be done.