Once we have established that the intercept of the MTP is an explicitly computable differentiable function, the mathematical theory is the same, whatever the astronomical interpretation of the function Y=F(X). Therefore we can use the same theory developed in Paper I for the computation of confidence boundaries in celestial coordinates [right ascension, declination]. We will not repeat the derivation, which can be found in Paper I, Section 3, but only summarize hereafter the algorithmic path. We refer in the following to the target space of the Y variables, with the understanding that both the and the interpretations are possible.
In the linear approximation, the confidence ellipsoid
the space of orbital elements is mapped onto an elliptic disk (the
ellipse plus its inside) in the target space: let the disk
defined by
The easily computed elliptic disks are good approximations whenever the nonlinearity of the function F is small. Unfortunately, this is not the case when the orbits have to be propagated for a long time, and especially when close approaches take place. A good compromise between computational efficiency and accurate representation of the nonlinear effects is obtained by drawing in the target space the semilinear confidence boundaries , defined as follows.
The boundary ellipse of the confidence disk is the image, by the linear map DF, of an ellipse in the orbital elements space, which lies on the surface of the ellipsoid . The semilinear confidence boundary is by definition the nonlinear image in the target space of the ellipse . In the Y plane, the closed curve is the boundary of some subset . We use as an approximation to , which is the set of all possible predictions on the target space compatible with the observations.
To explicitly compute
a couple of additional steps are
required. The rows of the Jacobian matrix DF span a subspace in the
orbital elements space. Let us assume that an orthogonal coordinate
system is used in the X space, such that
Whatever the method of representation of the confidence region , in the end we can only explore it by computing a finite number of orbits. To increase the level of resolution of this representation, however, the dimensionality of the space being sampled matters. is 6-dimensional, and to increase the resolution by a factor 10 the number of orbits grows by a factor ; the semilinear confidence boundary is a one dimensional curve, and the resolving power increases linearly with the number of orbits computed. In practice, even very complicated and strongly nonlinear examples can be dealt with only a few ten to a few hundred orbit propagations.