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4. Conclusions and future work
After more than one year of operations with our algorithms, including
the one for attributions presented in this paper and the one for orbit
identifications presented in [Milani et al. 2000a], we think the results can
be rated satisfactory. Recovering more than 2,500 asteroids using
telescopes would have consumed significant resources and so, obtaining the
same result by pure computation frees the telescope and observer
resources for the work which can only be done in that way.
The comparison of our results with those of other groups is not
straightforward. The largest number of identifications is found by the
MPC staff, as is natural since they have access to the new
observations before anyone else. They disseminate the data with an
average delay of 2-3 weeks and they efficiently use this time to scan
for identifications. The very fact that we find some identifications
implies that our algorithms are capable of finding nontrivial
identifications that could escape the MPC scrutiny.
Another large fraction of the published identifications are credited
to the so called DANEOPS consortium (A. Doppler, A. Gnädig, G. Hahn
and others). We understand that their methods belong to the
attribution class, but it is not easy to compare the efficiency of the
two algorithms; probably their good results also depend upon a very
efficient data flow and a rather advanced automation. Their purpose is
to obtain the largest number of identifications in the shortest
possible time after the data are available, and they are indeed very
successful in this. Although we also try to be as efficient as
possible and to conclude our computations in just a few days after the
monthly update, the speed is not our main concern. Our main goal is to
define new algorithms, which are published in the scientific
literature and therefore can be used by others.
Some improvements, which could result in a faster selection of the
identifications to be proposed, are indeed suggested by the analysis
of our results contained in this paper. As an example, the most
computationally intensive steps of the identification search procedure
should be performed in an incremental way, rather than by testing all
the possible pairs each month. This way of acting could apply to the first filter, as
pointed out in Section 2.1, and also to the third filter,
which is even more time consuming, especially for short arc orbits. We
are indeed experimenting with ``cleanup routines'' that remove from
the list of pairs passed by the second filter the ones having
already been submitted to the differential correction test in the
previous months. More in general, the entire procedure needs to move
towards a ``steady regime'' in which only the orbits and attributables
either being new or having changed are processed. However, such a regime
cannot be adopted until the algorithm control values and parameters, as
well as the algorithms themselves, are finalized and frozen.
The level of automation of the entire procedure we are using to
propose identification is good, but could be improved. The problem is
that a fully automated procedure removes the possibility of applying
human judgment and we are reluctant to give up the possibility of
human intervention, at least in the final stage where the selection of
the pairs to be submitted takes place. However, the procedure in the
previous steps, including the three filtering stages and even the
recursive procedure to search for additional attributions to newly
identified orbits, can be automated. In the final selection of the
pairs to be submitted, the number of cases to be examined is
comparatively small and some human intervention is affordable.
The year of operations described in this paper has been the first and,
of course, we have had to learn from experience. Nevertheless, in this
time span our group has been the third largest contributor for
identifications, and with a significant fraction of the total
number. This fact implies that our work is not only of theoretical
interest, but is a practical contribution to the problem of finding
identifications, which can in turn play an important role in other
issues such as the prediction of close approaches [Milani and Valsecchi 1999],
and the recovery.
On the other hand, the number of identifications that is currently
found by all groups is by far insufficient. Every month the number of
new designations greatly exceeds the number of new identifications.
The conclusion is not that so many new asteroids are actually discovered,
but only that the data archives are more and more full of short observational
arcs, with corresponding very poor orbits (if any), and to which one should add
the existing one night stands that are not published.
Most of these short arcs should be identified, but they remain
unidentified. We believe that in the long run this problem will be the main
one: how to clean up the data archives from all these essentially
unused data. It is very difficult to estimate the number of
identifications remaining to be found, but they must be many tens
of thousands and hence our contribution of more than 2,500 appears
inadequate. It follows that more advanced algorithms need to be found,
and this will be an important goal of our continuing research in this field.
The OrbFit free software is maintained by a consortium led by
A. Milani, M. Carpino, Z. Knezevic and G.B. Valsecchi; it is
available at This
research has been supported: by the Italian Space Agency under grants
ASI-ARS-98-240 and ASI-ARS-99-81; and by the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization under a grant awarded in 1998.
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Previous: 3.2 Statistics of one
Andrea Milani