PURPOSE: Innovation has become a key issue in the academic and industrial communities for measuring their competitiveness in the evolving international context.
Since man first entered space, Celestial Mechanics has been one of the driving disciplines for successfully accomplishing the challenges of the space era, and spaceflight dynamics is being continuously facing new problems which deserve innovative solutions.
Within this framework the CELMEC innovation prize is open to any original contribution which relies on Celestial Mechanics for finding practical applications in space enterprises, thus encompassing trajectory design and optimization, orbit determination, space debris and NEO hazard evaluation, etc.
Because of the wide spectrum of activities and contexts where innovation plays a major role, the participation is open to proposals coming from different sources such as scientific publications, technical reports, university thesis, mission studies etc.

REQUIREMENTS: The prize is awarded to an original work carried out within the past 4 years (namely after the last CELMEC meeting) either in an industrial or in an academic context. Multiple authors and teams are accepted. The applicant, or at least one of the authors, is required to participate to CELMEC. No other specific requirements are needed; in particular, there are no limitations on the age of the applicant.

APPLICATION: The applicant is required to fill the attached form .

SELECTION: A committee composed by 3 distinguished experts will be in charge of selecting the winning proposal. The prize ceremony is held during the CELMEC meeting.

DEADLINE: 30 April 2013, at midnight (Italian time).