Andrea Milani - preprints
Space Mechanics Group
Andrea Milani - preprints and abstracts

Preprints available on line :
Innovative methods of correlation and
orbit determination for space debris, by D. Farnocchia, G. Tommei,
A. Milani, A. Rossi preprint PDF ,
CMDA, in press 2010.
Light-time computations for the
BepiColombo radioscience experiment, by G. Tommei, A. Milani,
D. Vorkouhlicky preprint PDF , CMDA, in
press, 2010.
Orbit Determination with the two-body
integrals, by G.F. Gronchi, L. Dimare, A. Milani preprint PDF , CMDA, in press, 2010.
Dynamics of the Hungaria Asteroids, by
A. Milani, Z. Knezevic, B. Novakovic and A. Cellino preprint PDF , in press, Icarus 2010.
Relativistic models for the BepiColombo
radioscience experiment, by A. Milani, G. Tommei, D. Vokrouhlicky and
E. Latorre, S. Cicalo' preprint PDF
, IAU Symposium 261, Klioner,
Seidelmann and Soffel eds., 2010.
- Optimization of space surveillance
resources by innovative preliminary orbit methods, by A. Milani,
G.F. Gronchi, D. Farnocchia, G. Tommei and L. Dimare PDF, March 2009
D. Farnocchia, G. Tommei and A. Rossi PDF, March 2009

Books :
The Theory of Orbit Determination, by
A. Milani and G.F. Gronchi, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 392
pages. index of the book (PDF); this book is
now available from CUP and from the main online stores.
Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici, di
A. Milani, Editrice PLUS, Pisa, nuova edizione 2009, 260 pagine versione HTML
online .

Public presentations available on line :
- New Definition of Discovery for a Solar System Object; presentation
at the 26th General Assembly of the IAU, Prague, August 2006; version revised
after the discussion PDF
- Pan-STARRS lectures (Honolulu, July 2006)
on Identifications and Orbit Determination PDF

Papers already published :
Long term impact risk for (101955) 1999
RQ36, by A. Milani, S. Chesley, E.M, Sansaturio, F. Bernardi, G.B.
Valsecchi and O. Arratia, Icarus, vol. 203, pages 4601-471, 2009 Abstract
through ADS
- Orbit Determination with Topocentric
Correction: Algorithms for the Next Generation Surveys, by A. Milani
et al.
Abstract through ADS
- Physical Investigation of the Potentially
Hazardous Asteroid (144898) 2004 VD17, by F. De Luise et al.
Abstract through
- Efficient intra- and inter-night linking of
asteroid detections using kd-trees, by J. Kubica et al.
Astro-ph preprint
Abstract through
- Concluding remarks: 15 years ago, now and
in the near future, by A,
Milani, in Proceeding IAU Symposium 236, Cambridge University Press, 2007,
ADS abstract
- Low solar elongation searches for NEO: a deep
sky test and its implications for survey strategies, by
Boattini, Andrea; Milani, A.; Gronchi, G. F.; Spahr, T.; Valsecchi, G. B,
in Proceeding IAU Symposium 236, Cambridge University Press, 2007,
ADS abstract
- Mutual geometry of confocal Keplerian orbits: uncertainty of the
MOID and search for virtual PHAs, by Gronchi, Giovanni F.; Tommei,
Giacomo; Milani, Andrea, in in Proceeding IAU Symposium 236, Cambridge
University Press, 2007,
- New Definition of Discovery for Solar System Objects, by Andrea
Milani, G. F. Gronchi, Z. Knezevic, Earth, Moon and Planets, vol. 100,
83-116, 2007, ADS
- Approximate Symmetries of Interplanetary
Orbit Determination. The BepiColombo Case, by Andrea Milani, Henrard Workshop
on Planetary Rotation, ed. A. Lemaitre, Presses Universitaires de Namur, 2007.
- Orbit Determination of Space Debris: Admissible Regions, by
G. Tommei, A. Milani and A. Rossi, CMDA, 97, 289-304, 2007
ADS abstract
- Asteroid Impact Monitoring, by A. Milani, Serbian Astronomical Journal,
172, 1-11, 2006. PDF ,
ADS abstract
- Unbiased orbit determination for the next
generation asteroid/comet surveys, by A. Milani G. F. Gronchi,
Z. Knezevic, M. E. Sansaturio, O. Arratia, L. Denneau, T. Grav, J.
Heasley, R. Jedicke, J. Kubica, in Asteroids Comets Meteors
2005, D. Lazzaro et al., eds., Cambridge University Press,
pp.367--380, 2006. PDF
- A timewise kinematic method for
satellite gradiometry: GOCE simulations, by Andrea Milani, Alessandro
Rossi and Daniela Villani, Earth Moon Planets, 97, 37--69, 2005. ADS
- Orbit determination with very short arcs.
II Identifications, by Andrea Milani, Giovanni F. Gronchi, Zoran
Knezevic, Maria Eugenia Sansaturio and Oscar Arratia,
Icarus, 179, 350-374 (2005).
Abstract through ADS
- From Astrometry to Celestial Mechanics:
Orbit Determination with Very Short Arcs, by Andrea Milani and Zoran Knezevic,
CMDA, 92, 1-18 (2005)
Abstract through ADS
- Multiple solutions for asteroid orbits: computational procedure
and applications by A. Milani, M.E. Sansaturio, G. Tommei, O. Arratia
and S.R. Chesley, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 431, 729-746 (2005),
Abstract through ADS
- Nonlinear impact monitoring: Line Of
Variation searches for impactors, by Andrea Milani, Steven R. Chesley,
Maria Eugenia Sansaturio, Giacomo Tommei and Giovanni B. Valsecchi,
Icarus, 173, 362-384 (2005).
through ADS
- Virtual asteroids and virtual impactors, by A. Milani, in Dynamics of
Populations of Planetary Systems, Knezevic and Milani eds., IAU Colloquium 197,
Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 219-228 (2005)
Online version from CUP
- The size of collison solutions in orbital elements space, by
G.N. Valsecchi, A. Rossi, A. Milani, S.R. Chesley, in Dynamics of
Populations of Planetary Systems, Knezevic and Milani eds., IAU Colloquium 197,
Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 249-254 (2005)
Online version from CUP
- Orbit Determination with Very Short Arcs. I Admissible Regions,
by Andrea Milani, Giovanni F. Gronchi, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi
and Zoran Knezevic, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 90, 57-85 (2004) Abstract
through ADS
- Extraterrestrial Material--Virtual or
Real Hazards? by Andrea Milani, Science, vol 300, Issue 20 june 2003,
pp. 1882-1183, (2003)
Abstact through Science
- Error statistics of asteroid optical
astrometry observations, by M. Carpino, A. Milani and S.R. Chesley,
Icarus, Volume 166, Issue 2, p. 248-270 (2003)
Abstract through ADS
- Resonant returns to close approaches:
analytical theory, by G.B. Valsecchi A. Milani G.F. Gronchi &
S.R. Chesley, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.408, p.1179-1196 (2003)
Abstract through ADS
- Proper element catalogs and asteroid
families, by Knezevic, Z. and Milani, A. Astronomy and Astrophysics,
v.403, p.1165-1173 (2003)
Abstract through ADS
- Extended Families in the Main Belt and in the Trojan Swarms, by
Knezevic, Zoran andMilani, Andrea, in Physical Properties and
Morphology of Small Solar System Bodies, 25th meeting of the IAU,
Joint Discussion 19, 23 July 2003, Sydney, Australia
Abstract through ADS
For reprints ask to Andrea Milani
Last updated 16 November 2009
Celestial Mechanics Group home page