Ph.D. T H E S I S

Gronchi G. F., 2002: `Theoretical and computational aspects of collision singularities in the N-body problem' Testo completo (gzipped ps) or (pdf)

  1. Gronchi G. F., Milani A.: 1998, `Averaging on Earth-crossing orbits', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., 71/2, pp.109-136 Abstract through MathSciNet
  2. Gronchi G. F., Milani A.: 1999, `The stable Kozai State for asteroids and comets with arbitrary semimajor axis and inclination', Astron. Astrophys., 341, pp.928-935 Abstract through ADS
  3. Valsecchi G.B., Milani A., Gronchi G.F. and Chesley S.R.: `The distribution of energy perturbations at planetary close encounters', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., 2000, 78, pp.83-91 Abstract through Zentralblatt für Mathematik
  4. Gronchi G. F., Milani A.: 2001, `Proper elements for Earth crossing asteroids', Icarus, 152, pp.58-69 Abstract through ADS
  5. Gronchi G. F., Michel P.: 2001, `Secular Orbital Evolution, Proper Elements and Proper Frequencies for Near-Earth Asteroids: A Comparison between Semianalytic Theory and Numerical Integrations', Icarus, 152, pp.48-57 Abstract through ADS
  6. Gronchi G. F.: 2002, `On the stationary points of the squared distance between two ellipses with a common focus', SIAM Journ. Sci. Comp., 24/1, pp.61-80 Abstract through SIAM Journals Homepage
  7. Gronchi, G. F.: 2002, `Generalized averaging principle and the secular evolution of planet crossing orbits', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., 83/1-4, pp.97-120 Abstract through MathSciNet
  8. Bellettini, G. and Gronchi, G. F.: 2002. `Barriers for systems of ordinary differential equations: an application to the two-body problem', Rendiconti Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, 120 (2003), Vol. XXVI, fasc. 1, pp.145-160 Preprint through CVGMT Preprint Service at the SNS
  9. Bellettini, G., Fusco, G. and Gronchi, G. F.: 2003 `Regularization of the two-body problem via a smoothed potential', Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis Vol. 2/3, pp.317-347 Preprint through CVGMT Preprint Service at the SNS
  10. Valsecchi, G.B., Milani, A., Gronchi, G. F. and Chesley, S.R.: 2003 `Resonant returns to close approaches: analytical theory', Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 408, pp.1179-1196 Abstract through ADS
  11. Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., de'Michieli Vitturi, M. and Knezevic, Z.: 2004 `Orbit Determination with Very Short Arcs. I Admissible Regions', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 90, pp.59-87 Abstract through ADS
  12. Gronchi, G.F.: 2005 `An algebraic method to compute the critical points of the distance function between two Keplerian orbits', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 93/1, pp.297-332 Preprint in pdf format
  13. Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., Knezevic, Z., Sansaturio, M.E., Arratia, O. : 2005 `Orbit Determination with Very Short Arcs. II Identifications', Icarus Vol. 179, pp.350-364 Preprint through SIMCA preprint server
  14. Cimatti, G. and Gronchi, G.F.: 2006 `A Nonlocal Problem Arising from a Poiseuille Flow with Electrical Body Forces', Int. Math. Forum, Vol.1 no.39, pp.1913-1918
  15. Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F. and Knezevic, Z. : 2007 ` New Definition of Discovery for Solar System Objects', Earth, Moon, and Planets, Vol. 100/1-2, pp.83-116 Preprint in pdf format
  16. Gronchi, G.F. and Tommei, G.: 2007 `On the uncertainty of the minimal distance between two confocal Keplerian orbits', Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, Vol. 7/4, pp.755-778
  17. Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., Farnocchia, D., Knezevic, Z., Jedicke, R., Dennau, L., Pierfederici, F.: 2008 `Topocentric Orbit Determination: Algorithms for the Next Generation Surveys', Icarus, Vol. 195, pp.474-492 Preprint in pdf format
  18. Gronchi, G.F.: 2009`Multiple Solutions in Preliminary Orbit Determination from Three Observations', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 103/4, pp.301-326 Preprint in pdf format
  19. Gronchi, G.F., Dimare, L., Milani, A.: 2010 `Orbit determination with the two-body integrals', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 107/3, pp.299-318 Preprint in pdf format
  20. Fusco, G., Gronchi, G.F., Negrini, P.: 2011`Platonic Polyhedra, Topological Constraints and Periodic Solutions of the Classical N-Body Problem', Invent. Math., Vol.185/2, pp.283-332
  21. Gronchi, G.F., Farnocchia, D., Dimare, L.: 2011 `Orbit determination with the two-body integrals. II', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 110/3, pp.257-270
  22. Schunová, E., Granvik, M., Jedicke, R., Gronchi, G., Wainscoat, R., Abe, S.: 2012 `Searching for the first near-Earth object family' , Icarus, Vol. 220, pp.1050-1063
  23. Gronchi, G.F., Valsecchi, G.B. : 2013 `On the possible values of the orbit distance between a near-Earth asteroid and the Earth', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429/3, pp.2687-2699 Preprint in pdf format
  24. Gronchi, G.F., Tardioli, C.: 2013 `The evolution of the orbit distance in the double averaged restricted 3-body problem with crossing singularities', Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 18/5, pp.1323-1344
  25. Fusco, G., Gronchi, G.F.: 2014 `Platonic polyhedra, periodic orbits and chaotic motions in the N-body problem with non-Newtonian forces', J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. 26, pp. 817-841
  26. Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Marò, S.: 2015 `Orbit determination with the two-body integrals. III', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 123/2, pp. 105-122
  27. Gronchi, G.F., Dimare, L., Bracali Cioci, D., Ma, H.: 2015 `On the computation of preliminary orbits for Earth satellites with radar observations', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly 451 (2), pp. 1883-1891, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stv1010
  28. Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Milani, A.: 2016 `Keplerian integrals, elimination theory and identification of very short arcs in a large database of optical observations', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast. 127/2, pp. 211-232
  29. Fusco, G., Gronchi, G.F., Novaga, M.: 2017 `On the existence of connecting orbits for critical values of the energy', Journal of Differential Equations 263/12, pp. 8848-8872, published online at this link
  30. Fusco, G., Gronchi, G.F., Novaga, M.: 2018 `On the existence of heteroclinic connections', Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp 68-81
  31. Marò, S., Gronchi, G.F.: 2018 `Long term dynamics for the restricted N-body problem with mean motion resonances and crossing singularities', SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol. 17/2, pp. 1786-1815
  32. Fenucci, M., Gronchi, G.F.: 2018 `On the stability of periodic N-body motions with the symmetry of Platonic polyhedra', Nonlinearity Vol. 31/11 pp. 4935-4954
  33. Ma, H., Baù, G., Bracali Cioci, D., Gronchi, G.F.: 2018 `Preliminary orbits with line-of-sight correction for LEO satellites observed with radar', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., Vol. 130/10, pp. 1-20
  34. Fusco, G., Gronchi, G.F., Novaga, M.: 2019 `Existence of periodic orbits near heteroclinic connections', Minimax Theory and Applications, Vol. 04, 113-149, preprint in the CVGMT Preprint Server
  35. Gronchi, G.F., Niederman, L.: 2020 `On the nodal distance between two Keplerian trajectories with a common focus', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast., 132:5, preprint in the ArXiV webpage
  36. Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Rodríguez Ò., Jedicke, R., Moeyens, J. : 2021 `Generalization of a method by Mossotti for initial orbit determination', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast. 133:41, open access PDF file
  37. Fenucci, M., Gronchi, G.F.: 2021 `Symmetric Constellations of Satellites Moving Around a Central Body of Large Mass', J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. PDF file
  38. Cavallari, I., Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G.: 2022 `On the Sun-shadow dynamics', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, open access PDF file
  39. Fenucci, M., Gronchi, G.F., Saillenfest, M.: 2022 `Proper elements for resonant planet-crossing asteroids', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast. 134/3, 23
  40. Rodríguez Ò., Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Jedicke, R.: 2022 `Numerical behaviour of the Keplerian Integral methods for initial orbit determination', Icarus 384, 115080
  41. Cavallari, I., Grassi, C., Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Valsecchi, G.B.: 2023 A dynamical definition of the sphere of influence of the Earth', Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 119, 107091
  42. Fenucci, M., Gronchi, G.F., Novakovic, B.: 2023 `Maps of secular resonances in the NEO region', Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A39, open access PDF file
  43. Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Grassi, C.: 2023 Revisiting the computation of the critical points of the Keplerian distance', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast. 135:48, open access PDF file
  44. Rodríguez Ò., Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Jedicke, R.: 2024 `Sparse multi-apparition linkages in large databases', Icarus 412, 115949
  45. Scantamburlo, E., Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G.: 2024 `Orbit determination with one position vector and a very short arc of optical observations', Cel. Mech. Dyn. Ast. 136:30, open access PDF file

  1. Gronchi G.F., Milani A.: `Averaging on Earth-crossing orbits', Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 172, Namur, July 1998 (extended abstract), pp.433-434 Full Text
  2. Milani A., Gronchi G.F.: `Proper elements for Earth-crossers', Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 173, Tatranska Lomnica, August 1998, pp.75-80 HTML version
  3. Gronchi G.F.: `Classical and Modern Orbit Determination for Asteroids', Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 196, Preston, UK, June 2004, ps pdf
  4. Milani A. et al.: `Unbiased orbit determination for the next generation asteroid/comet surveys', Proceedings of the ACM05 meeting, Bù zios, BR, August 2005, ps pdf
  5. Gronchi, G.F., Tommei, G. and Milani, A.: 2007 `Mutual geometry of confocal Keplerian orbits: uncertainty of the MOID and search for Virtual PHAs', Preprint in ps format, in Near Earth Objects, our Celestial Neighbors: Opportunity and Risk. IAU Symposium 236. Prague, Cech Republic, pp. 3-14, Cambridge University Press
  6. Boattini, A., Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., Spahr, T. and Valsecchi, G.B.: 2007 `Low solar elongation searches for NEO: a deep sky test and its implications for survey strategies', in Near Earth Objects, our Celestial Neighbors: Opportunity and Risk. IAU Symposium 236. Prague, Cech Republic, pp. 291-300, Cambridge University Press
  7. Milani, A., Gronchi, G. F., Farnocchia, D., Tommei, G., Dimare, L.: 2009 `Optimization of space surveillance resources by innovative preliminary orbit methods.', Proc. of the Fifth European Conference on Space Debris. 30 March-2 April 2009, Darmstadt, Germany, SP-672 on CD-Rom.
  8. Dimare, L., Farnocchia, D., Gronchi, G., Milani, A., Bernardi, F., Rossi, A.: 2011 `Innovative system of very wide field optical sensors for space surveillance in the LEO region', Proc. of the AMOS Conference, Maui, Hawaii, September 13-16, 2011, Edited by S. Ryan, pp. E51.
  9. Gronchi, G.F.: 2013 `Periodic orbits of the N-body problem with the symmetry of Platonic polyhedra', proceedings of the MPE2013 meeting, INDAM, Rome (Italy) May 2013 Preprint in pdf format
  10. Valsecchi, G.B., Gronchi, G.F.: 2011 `The ever changing population of large NEAs: a global view', Proceedings of the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, Nantes (extended abstract), pp.402-403
  11. Gronchi, G.F., Tardioli, C.: 2011 `Secular evolution of the orbit distance and asteroid hazard', Proceedings of the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, Nantes (extended abstract), pp.1472-1473
  12. Ma, H., Gronchi, G.F.: 2014 `Comparison of different methods to compute a preliminary orbit of Space Debris using radar observations', Proceedings of IAU Symposium 310, Complex Planetary Systems, Namur (extended abstract), pp.154-155
  13. Marò, S., Gronchi, G.F.: 2014 `Orbit identification for large sets of data: preliminary results', Proceedings of IAU Symposium 310, Complex Planetary Systems, Namur (extended abstract), pp.156-159
  14. Gronchi, G.F., Baù, G., Marò, S.: 2016 `Linking very short arcs from large database of asteroid observations', Proceedings of IAU Symposium 318, Honolulu, August 2015 (extended abstract), pp.242-243

  1. Milani, A. and Gronchi, G. F.: `Theory of Orbit Determination', 2010, Cambridge University Press

B O O K    C H A P T E R S
  1. Gronchi, G. F.: 2002. `Generalized Averaging Principle and Proper Elements for NEAs', Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 590, Springer
  2. Gronchi, G. F.: `Orbit Determination', in UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Vol. 6.119.55 Celestial Mechanics. Eolss Publishers Co Ltd
  3. Farnocchia, D., Chesley, S. R., Milani, A., Gronchi, G. F., Chodas, P. W.: 2016 `Orbits, Long-Term Prodictions, and Impact Monitoring', in Asteroids IV, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson
  4. Gronchi, G. F.: 2021 `Orbit determination with the Keplerian integrals', proceeding of the Celestial Mechanics school I-CELMECH, preprint in the ArXiV webpage

  1. Cimatti, G. and Gronchi, G.F.: 2005 `An elementary quantum correction to the Child-Langmuir solution for the vacuum diode' Preprint in ps format

P O P U L A R    S C I E N C E
  1. Gronchi, G.F.: 2005 `Caccia aperta agli asteroidi! Il calcolo delle orbite dei corpi celesti', web page of the contribution

LAST UPDATE November 21, 2020