Corso di Meccanica Celeste
docenti Prof. G. F. Gronchi, Prof. A. Milani, Dott. G. Baù
Anno Accademico 2017-2018 (secondo semestre)
Testi consigliati
- C.L. Siegel e J. Moser
: Lectures in Celestial Mechanics, Springer
Articoli di Ricerca
- R. McGehee
: Von Zeipel's theorem on singularities in celestial
mechanics, Expo. Math. 4 (1986) 335-345
- G. Fusco, G.F. Gronchi,
P. Negrini: Platonic Polyhedra, Topological Constraints
and Periodic Solutions of the Classical N-Body Problem,
Invent. Math. 185/2 (2011) 283-332
- G.F. Gronchi
: Periodic orbits of the N-body problem with the symmetry of Platonic polyhedra, proceedings of the MPE2013 meeting, INDAM, Rome (2013)
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