Curriculum vitae

Born in Pisa on 21/03/1970, Giovanni-Federico Gronchi attended the Liceo Classico 'G. GALILEI' in Pisa together with the Conservatorio di Musica 'L. CHERUBINI' in Florence obtaining, in 1988, the Diploma di Maturità Classica with 56/60 and the Diploma di Pianoforte with 10/10 cum laude and 'menzione d'onore'.
Later he attended the Master Degree Course in Mathematics at the University of Pisa continuing his pianist activity; in 1997 he obtained the Laurea in Matematica with 110/110 cum laude discussing a thesis about Celestial Mechanics.
In 1997 he won the competition to be admitted to the four year Doctoral School in Mathematics at the University of Pisa and in 2002 he got the title of 'dottore di ricerca' discussing a thesis about theoretical and computational aspects of collision singularities in the N-body problem. In the period from November 2001 to October 2003 he has kept a research grant in Celestial Mechanics and lately a research fellowship at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa. In January 1, 2005 he has got the position of researcher in Mathematical Physics (ssd MAT/07) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa.
He is member of the Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica Matematica (GNFM), of the Società Italiana di Meccanica Celeste (SIMCA), of the Space Mechanics Group of the University of Pisa and of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
In 2007 his name has been assigned to the asteroid (96217).

Invited talks

    1) June 2001, Celmec III, Villa Mondragone, Rome:
    "Generalized Averaging Principle and Proper Elements for NEAs";

    2) May 2002, Observatory of Nice, France:
    "The averaged evolution of the MOID" ;

    3) June 2004, IAU Colloqium 196, Preston, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom:
    "Classical and Modern Orbit Determination" ;

    4) September 2005, Celmec IV, San Martino al Cimino, Viterbo, Italy:
    "Orbit Determination with Very Short Arcs: Preliminary Orbits and Identifications" ;

    5) August 2006, IAU Symposium 236, Prague, Cech Republic:
    "Mutual geometry of confocal Keplerian orbits: uncertainty of the MOID and search for Virtual PHAs" ;

    6) September 2006, Asteroids and Resonances, Open Problems and Perspectives, Observatoire de Paris, Chateau de Meudon, France:
    "Asteroid Orbit Determination with different Arc Types: Curvature of the Arc and Multiple Solutions" ;

    7) June 2007, Theory and Applications of Dynamical Systems, Spoleto, Italy:
    "Regularization of the Minimal Distance between two Confocal Keplerian Orbits" ;

    8) July 2007, SCICADE07, Saint-Malo, France:
    "Multiple Solutions in Preliminary Orbit Determination" ;

Visiting researcher

    1) Institute for Astronomy, University of Honolulu, Hawaii: July 26 - August 10, 2007; August 2-30, 2010